CASE STUDY FOR kuala lumpur
Kuala Lumpur - Too Far? - Not For ClueGo!
Guests – 110
Location -Kuala Lumpur
Format – Go Urban (Themed)
Included – Bespoke challenges
Duration – 2 hours
Aha ME Hearties!
Following on from the success of a previous event in Istanbul, we were contacted by the same client (via a different contact) looking to create a similar experience in Kuala Lumpur.
The brief was to supply a competitive learning experience for 150 delegates post conference. The event had to have a new feel to it as a handful of the delegates had taken part in the Istanbul event.
The event was to keep everyone entertained while the conference room was transformed into Pirate themed dining room. As we had a brand-new Pirate theme version of our app the client was delighted to be able take the theming into the treasure hunt.
The attendees were a truly international mix all with an excellent grasp of English so there was no need for translation.
pre event demo
There is nothing like a hands on demo for an idea to come to life.
We arranged a remote demo with our client and demonstrated the app and some of the content.
We have the facility to “push” challenges out to players, so once the client had downloaded the app we simply sent them the challenges and talked through the possibilities of bespoke content.
The client loved it. As it turned out he had been told to contact us by his boss who had been responsible for the Istanbul event. What a compliment.
event production
Soon after the demo the event was confirmed, and we started to work on the production.
First we stripped back any unnecessary content from the original package, adding the theming to what was left. This was then mixed with our Pirate treasure hunting game.
The end result was a great mix of light business content with a Pirate treasure theme.
As the event was going to be a little lighter than before it was decided to drop the live meeting with actors and sportsmen that took place in Istanbul. This time it was all about getting the content done.
One challenge we did keep in was a moral dilemma that was pushed out to all the teams simultaneously, it offered the chance for each team to steal 200 points from their nearest rivals. It was a trick of course, any team that agreed to steal the points would be hit with a 200 point fine and a reminder that this was not in their companies ethos. In addition, using our fastest finger option we would be able to identify the team that took the shortest time to decide to steal and hit them with another -50 points.
Initially the intention was to create a street package, this had to be changed to an indoor event due to excessive pollution caused by Palm plantation burning and a predictable 4PM rain storm. As a result, we swapped to a QR code version.
The client’s offices were accessible from the hotel by passing through the Central Station and through a shopping centre which meant that the clients could utilise its office space too without having to step outside. The QR codes were to be split and used in all of these areas.
Due to the location of this event the team needed to fly out of the UK on Monday and commence their 17 hour flight to deliver the event on Thursday!
On Wednesday our event managers walked the route and quickly discovered that the Station was not going to be suitable for using QR codes. However we were able to replace these with some GPS hotspots as the skylights allowed for GPS tracking, the shopping centre was massive so QR codes were limited to being placed discreetly on information boards.
We also added a breadcrumb trail of GPS markers that showed the way to the clients office. Again we tested the app, agreed the changes with the client and were ready to go.
At 16.00 following a short break we briefed the teams and set them on their way.
The buzz was immediate as we had QR codes visible from the moment they started. The laughing started, videos were recorded and puzzles were won and lost. Each team had 90 minutes to score as many points as they could..
The announcement of scores was to take place at dinner, this allowed us more time than usual to put together a video show from the content the teams had generated throughout the event.
The video is always a highlight as teams love watching how everyone went about interpreting their challenges.
Next came the scores where we had some fun naming and shaming the teams that failed the dilemma and tried to steal the points. After lots of hilarious booing and jeering the winning team was announced and the event was a wrap.
On Friday the team left the hotel at 7.00 am and flew home.
120 hours and 13,000 miles to deliver a fantastic two hour event!