A team enjoying a treasure hunt game from Cluego

Case Study For Go Bespoke

In December we had a call from a London marketing agency. One of their clients had recently enjoyed a Go Urban event and decided it would be a great idea to do the same. So on a dark December evening a group of their staff enjoyed our Covent Garden package and had a fantastic experience!

 A few months later we had another call from them asking if we could help them put together a Go Bespoke event in the same area for one of their other clients in the brewing industry.

We were naturally happy to help!

Covent Garden Street sign

The Brief

The agency had been asked by their clients to put together a program that would get their marketing people from across 10 different European countries to look at the way they market their brands.  Everything was looked at, packaging, bottle shape, event tie in, heat reacting labels, everything.

The idea was to escape the usual mind set of, make a bigger bottle and sell it cheaper for a month.

To reinforce this message and to add a bit of relief to a rather intense couple of days the clients were to escape for a couple of hours and complete a treasure hunt.

We were asked to provide bespoke content that would make the whole event much more personal and reflect some of the thinking that had been employed during the training.

What We Did

Firstly we enhanced the location specific questions in Covent Garden so that they provided the international guests with more content in terms of the history . Each question now explained where they were and why it was important historically, then we offered up a quirky fact asked a question. This way the players not only had fun playing the game but also learnt some fun facts about the area they were exploring.

This format was so successful it is how we now write all our new packages.

Secondly we created a range of custom branded mini games that incorporated the clients brands.

For example, on our word match game the teams had to identify which nations beer brand matched that countries word for a specific drinking glass. Because of the international mix of the teams everyone on the team had relevant input on this challenge. Other custom games included a memory game with different beer bottles and digital jigsaws showing a range of brand logos.

We also identified places on the route that could be linked with the client. We found one location that linked very nicely with a popular advert. We were able to ask the question and show the advert at the introduction stage of the question via a pre-loaded video.

Covent Garden Street sign

The Feedback

There can be a bit of trepidation at the start of some events. With a group of international guests we weren’t sure if any of the English humour would be lost in translation or how motivated the group would be.

We needn’t have worried, these people were COMPETITIVE. Given the relatively short amount of time available to them on the ground and the extremely hot weather the teams had a fantastic time.

The client also got a chance to watch the teams progress live and help score the photo and video challenges live as well as sending out messages to encourage the teams whilst the game unfolded.


We love a challenge here at Cluego and creating new bespoke treasure hunts for clients is what we enjoy best!Earlier this year we were contacted by UKTV to provide them with a unique event to help launch their new company values and create a rewarding and memorable experience for their 230 staff. The client wanted the event to enforce their 5 new values which were simplified and had a much clearer message to the staff. Not only did the event have to be effective in relaying these messages it also had to be extremely interactive and designed to encourage creativity throughout.

And so the Cluego creativity flowed! (more…)