Making Your Event A Memorable Experience

Is your incentive trip delivering the goods?

Sending your team away on a well earned incentive trip is a well recognised way to reward good performance. But what’s the point of going to San Tropez unless you get to visit Zitadelle von St. Tropez or the Plage de Pampelonne or marvel at the yachts in St. Tropez Harbour.

Many Invective trips are limited to flights, transfer, hotel, evening meal, golf, evening meal, booze, transfer and fights home again. Some destination management consultants (DMC) offer a whole lot more.

Imagination is key to a memorable experience, playing with dolphins, treasure hunts, Ferrari trips, wine tasting in a chateau are all available, after all not everyone wants to play golf!

So choose your DMC wisely. Match your staff with the types of experience they would like to go on, not just the ones you like the sound of. Travel has changed over the last few years. More and more travellers are looking to discover more about the venues they are visiting.

Mixing your incentive trip with well run activities and freedom and opportunity to discover new places is going to deliver a better more lasting experience. When I travel, I like to meet a few locals, get to know them a bit. I use local laundry services, eat street food, ask around to find where the locals eat, discover the hidden treasures.

Marketplaces (especially those where food is sold) are always very high on a must visit list. The flavours, smells and colours combine, making the visit a feast for the senses.

Innovation from Cluego

Our app software can be incorporated into your incentive trip to complement this perfectly as our packages are custom written. This allows us to tailor an event that cuts through the research and takes you to the sights and experiences that the city has to offer. The mapping part of the software updates live allowing each team/group/individual to meet up and follow each other progress and send each other messages.

The whole event is monitored by an events manager throughout, allowing each team to send questions and get answers immediately. If they need a taxi, we can arrange one and we will know exactly where they are.

The whole weekend can be one mystery after another, the map will show hotspots and each will have a hint to what is involved. Once the guests arrive they will discover exactly what is involved, who is meeting them and what to lookout for.

Ultimately, Innovation is at the heart of our company.

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